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Long or short term executive appointments/intervention contracts or project specific assignments


Alister believes the dynamics of the business world are now such that identifying and recruiting Senior Executives and CEOs, in particular with confidence of a positive outcome, can take many months. During that period either the Chairman has to take up an Executive role, which is less than ideal as it blurs the line between Management and Governance, or someone from the next level within the organization needs to step up in an 'acting' capacity, potentially resulting in unrealistic expectations and difficulties when an appointment is finally made.


Similarly following an acquisition, or where a green field start up is embarked upon, the person you need in the first few months is unlikely to be the person you need for the longer term.


These scenarios suggest that an interim appointment from the outside, of someone with a proven skill set and track record, is an attractive option, to keep things moving forward with some energy, and minimizing the potential for politics within the ranks.


Act as a Consultant/Change Agent


Where a company is uncertain of its path forward, it can be really valuable to bring in an outsider as a Consultant or Change Agent, to carry out a Strategic Review, and help the Board and/or the CEO clarify preferred options, and build a plan to pursue one or more of those options. Sometimes companies get bound up in 'group think or conventional wisdom' within the company, and don't easily see alternative options and opportunities. Where, as a result of this review, a significant change of direction and or resources is required, then the option to revert to Offer 1 above becomes a very attractive option.



Take on Company Directorships


​Having been both a CEO and a Company Director, Alister is very aware of the potential to add real value in the Boardroom. He readily accepts that the primary role of the Directors is to act in the best interests of the Shareholders, and acknowledge there is great value to be gained from that role. But in today's risk averse environment, with significant issues around Compliance and Director Liability, it is easy to get bogged down in that space. In addition to the above, the Directors have a huge responsibility to Vision and Inspire Management to act Strategically with a long term horizon for the health of the company in a rapidly changing environment.


Whilst most companies in NZ espouse that their people are their most important resource, they do not always apply anywhere near enough time and energy into ensuring that they develop that resource and get the best out of them. Teamwork and Empowerment are very powerful tools, but they are often just words with little substance behind them. The Board has a very legitimate role in ensuring that transparent reporting and KPIs are in place to foster creating an environment where everyone can be the best that they can be.



Mentor CEOs and Senior Executives on an ongoing basis and challenge them to perform at the highest level - being a CEO can be a lonely place


​There are several companies offering this service already, some even based on a franchise model, but there is a range of competence and experience available. CEOs are getting younger, they need a sounding board of people who have 'been there and done that', who have a blend of management theory and hands-on experience. This is not a role that can easily be filled by a Director of the company, or another executive such as a peer or subordinate - although 360 degree feedback is very useful. This is a critical element in getting the best out of the CEO as well.

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